Finding donors, especially new donors, is crucial to the success of your charity or benefit auctions. Every name that you can add to your mailing list is a precious commodity because it represents an opportunity to cultivate the individual for a lifetime of commitment. According to the knowledgeable experts at Auctioneerist Charity Auctions, there some tried and true methods to finding new donor opportunities to help you succeed in your goals.
How to Find New Charity Benefit Auction Donors
Never miss an opportunity to collect a email address: If you have held a previous charity or benefit auction you have probably already collected a lot of names. The question is did you miss an opportunity? As a general rule you should collect the names of people who have attended a past event as a guest or anyone who might have stopped in at an open house. Rather than asking for a name and phone number, try asking for an email address instead. Many people find that email is less intimidating than a phone conversation and are more than willing to give you this information for a good cause. To keep track of the names of the guests invited by your guests, hold a small raffle and or register them for a silent auction.
Create ways to interact with potential donors: Think of creative ways to contact people that are reluctant to give you the names of friends and associates. Contests are a great way to network through your website, by asking for audience participation you can ask for both a name and an email address to be eligible to vote.
Don’t forget your existing donor base: According to researchers, it costs less to keep an existing donor than it does to cultivate a new one. Ask your board members, staff and volunteers to look through their contacts periodically and contact any existing donors with any new opportunities that may arise. Ask volunteers to network on your behalf at their workplace and ask their coworkers to invite their family members and friends.
Be more active in social media: By establishing a strong presence on Facebook and Twitter, you can reach literally millions of people. Facebook is a great way to network, advertise scheduled events, fund-raise and encourage supporters and potential supporters to participate along with encouraging one-time donors to donate long term.
Hold a joint event with another organization: If you are organizing a charity or benefit event for a specific cause enlist the help of another organization that has similar interests. For example if you are raising money for breast cancer awareness, co-host an event with a group who providers support for breast cancer survivors. It’s like trading mailing lists because they can tell their contacts about you and you about them.
Rethink your communications: Many groups have lapsed donors who with the right approach may be interested in donating again. Take a look at how your group communicates: do you publish a newsletter, use constant contact or email and do you need to rethink your strategies to include various demographics such as age?
Charity Benefit Auctions in Huntington Beach, San Diego, Los Angeles, the High Desert & Southern California
If you are interested in learning about full service charity & benefit auction services and consulting services to ensure success at your next fundraising event, contact the knowledgeable professionals at Auctioneerist Charity Auctions today or browse our website for a full list of services.