Author Archives: AuctioneeristAdmin

How to Organize & Run a Successful Charity Auction in Apple Valley, CA

Organizing a charity auction is an excellent way to raise funds for your cause, but it requires careful planning. Whether it’s a live event, silent auction, or online auction, following best practices will help you maximize fundraising potential and create a memorable experience. We at the Auctioneerist would like to offer some tips on how…

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Common Don’ts of Fundraising in Los Angeles, CA; Poor Auction Items & Displays, Not Hiring a Professional Auctioneer & More

Many individuals and organizations are looking for ways to make money for their cause. Fundraising charity auctions is the most popular way. Some folks manage to have highly successful fundraising experiences with their benefit auctions, where others seem to fall significantly short of their goals. But what people may not understand, is that when their…

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Developing Your Non-Profit Organization’s Brand Tone of Voice for Fundraising Charity Auction Invites & More in San Diego, CA

Written communication in the form of fundraising charity auction invites, campaign emails, donation letters, sponsor postcards and thank you notes are an integral part of ensuring the success of your non-profit organization. In fact many groups fall short in their endeavors because they fail to develop and utilize a standardized voice. Find your voice by…

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Building Your Non Profit, Charity Marketing Game Plan in Huntington Beach, CA; Team Building Skills, Emotional Memory & More

For generations baseball has been the undisputed leader in sports and has been officially dubbed America’s favorite pastime. Football on the other hand is best known as America’s greatest passion, renowned for its vision of strategic game-play and sportsmanship. If you grew up in the United States, there is no denying that there is something…

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Plan to Get Your Live Auction Floor Neat & Organized in Los Angeles, CA; Lighting, Spacing, Signage, Gift Certificates & More

Have you ever walked into your storage area searching for a particular item? You hunt through a few boxes only to realize that that chance of finding what you are looking for is slim because you forgot to label the boxes and your storage area is a complete mess. If you are like most people,…

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Advantages & Value to Building a Procurement Letter, Donation Form & Charity Benefit Auction Item Wishlist Packet in San Diego, CA

Benefit auctions are one of the most important and necessary fundamentals that can in essence make or break a charity. A successful benefit auction can ensure both the success of the event itself by encouraging future donations along with the amount of funds that were raised at the event. The first key to ensuring your…

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Writing Auction Item Descriptions in Huntington Beach, CA; Use Template, Catchy Titles, Positive Power Words, Bullet Points, Photography Display Boards & More!

One of the most lucrative ways for non-profit groups to generate funds is through silent and live auctions events. Your organization committee and volunteers have spent hours procuring some wonderful items for this year’s auctions event. But now that you have the items how do you insure your guests will bid on them? When you…

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Donor Market Cultivation & Segmentation Tips for Non Profit Organizations to Raise More Money at Your Next Charity Benefit Auction & Fundraising Campaign in Los Angeles, CA!

One of the most common mistakes made by non-profit groups is their preference to categorize donors into one large group especially in terms of communication. Each and every donor has a unique and diverse background which should help you and your organizations committee members to not only understand why and how each person supports your…

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How to Ask for & Solicit Unique, Low Cost Live & Silent Auction Items & Experiences that Sell for Your Next Charity Benefit Fundraising Auction in San Diego, CA

Raising money for your charity organization can be a tricky undertaking, especially when it comes to approaching sponsors for donated items that your bidders will be guaranteed to go head-over-heels crazy over. Finding creative ways to market your live auction and big-ticket packages can be quite an undertaking, even more so when it comes to…

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Tips to Promote Your Cause When Running Your Next Charity Auction in Los Angeles, CA & Other Good Fundraising Ideas to Make Your Special Event More Successful!

When you are holding a charity auction, it is always for a cause. In the midst of all the merchandise that people have their eyes on, it is easy for that cause to fall to the back burner. Auctioneerist Charity Auctions is here to share some tips to help you keep your cause in the…

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